The vision at St Michael’s results in a deeply aspirational school. Pupils are loved, nurtured and supported to ‘shine’ as individuals. SIAMS July 2024

St Michael's Woolmer GreenVA C of E School

'Shine as Lights in the World'

Redwood (year 3)

If you need any support please contact Mrs Egerton on the following email:

Blue Peter Climate Change Heroes

Year 3 have now completed and submitted their entry into the Blue Peter Climate Change Heroes challenge. The children were all committed to the challenge and on numerous occasions reminded me to do our pledges. Below is our Climate Change artwork. Well done all. Keep your eyes peeled as we may feature on Blue Peter. 

Potions with Professor Snape

Today in maths the class were challenged with using their knowledge of adding, subtracting and capacity to make three different potions. They accurately made the potions using the instructions and will all have jobs as potions masters should they ever wish to take it up smiley

Redwood's Roman Shields

An excellent effort from all the children in Redwood class on designing and making their Roman Shields. We certainly look ready for battle. 

Home Learning Week Commencing 1.2.2021

Hello Redwood,


Another week complete. I want to start by saying a huge well done to everyone. The online learning went well, you all adapted to the new challenge and worked hard. It was so lovely to see you all and hear what you have been getting up to throughout the week. 


I've really enjoyed reading your Happy Prince work, seeing your new designs for sun safety products and your designs for a green house. This week you will be designing a mountain holiday package within the UK, beginning to make your Greenhouses and learning about how we make shadows in preparation for shadow puppet theatres the week after. 


Happy Birthday Tim, I hope you've had a great day celebrating. 


I hope you all have a well deserved rest this weekend

Thinking of you all

Take Care and Stay Safe

Mrs E

Home Learning Week Commencing 25.1.2021

Hello Redwood,


Well done on completing another week of home learning and to a very high standard indeed. 

I have seen some beautiful writing on the Happy Prince using interesting vocabulary and not a banned word in sight. I have also seen some excellent Greenhouse stable structures using, straws, lollipop sticks and tooth picks. Your investigating will surely help you all when it comes to building your own. 


This week guided reading and computing are set on Purple Mash, the rest of your work is set on Google Classrooms by day. As discussed on our first meet I will be marking all the work that is submitted on there. Please try your best to submit your work on the day it is set, especially for Maths and English as these will be taught as a weekly sequence, just like they are in class. 


It was so lovely to see you all yesterday and to hear about what you have been up to since we last saw each other. I am really looking forward to seeing you each day for our lessons. 


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

As always I am thinking of you all

Take Care and Keep Safe

Mrs E 



Home Learning Week Commencing 18.1.2021

Hello Redwood,


I hope you have all had a good week. The weather has not been on our side but hopefully you have all been able to get out for a walk, scoot or bike ride throughout the week. Well done on your work this week, you have all be trying so hard with your work and I have really enjoyed receiving it. It looks like you are enjoying the Happy Prince on Oak Academy and that you now have a good understanding of how a Greenhouse works.


A huge congratulations to Emily, on earning none other than a Green Blue Peter Badge for looking after the environment and litter picking around our community. If you are doing any activities outside of the work set, please send it through. It is always lovely to see what you are up to. Well dones also go to Erin for making a cake and Leon for continuing his chess'll be unbeatable by the time we are back at school.


This week you will continue learning about the Happy Prince, in geography you will be researching different rivers in the UK and in Design and Technology you will begin to think about how to make a stable structure in preparation for your own Greenhouses.


Do not forget to check that you can see our new Google Classroom. If you can not then please let me know via the Redwood email address.


Take Care and Stay Safe

Mrs E

Home Learning Week Commencing 11.1.2021

Hello Redwood,


Well done for all the work you have accomplished during the first week of school lockdown 2.0. I have really enjoyed reading your Kenning poems. They were all very puzzling. I could also see the hard work you have put in to your geography leaflets on Hertfordshire. 


Next week I have set out a timetable for you to work through. Each day consists of one English, Maths and Guided Reading lesson followed by one or two foundation subjects activities. 


I hope you have a lovely weekend and I look forward to hearing from you next week. 


Take Care and Stay Safe

Mrs E

Home Learning Week Commencing 5.1.2021

Hello Redwood Rockers and a Happy New Year. I hope that you have all had a nice Christmas and have had a relaxing break after all your hard work throughout the Autumn term. Happiest of belated birthdays to Oscar, Emily and Cerys. I hope you were all able to enjoy your day.  


I have looked at the work we were due to do and have decided that after the excitement for the Roman's and our Roman Day we will now move this to after Easter so we do not miss out on any of the fun. This week we are recapping time, writing a Kenning Poem and starting to research Hertfordshire and The UK. 


Going forward the next weeks work will be live on the website on the Friday before. 


Should anyone need any support or help, please contact me on the class email. 

Thinking of you all. 


Take Care and Please Stay Safe

Mrs E


A Message from the Redwood Team

Hi All,

Here we are at the end of term 1 already. It has flown by. All the children have continued to work so hard and produce their best work in all lessons. I am proud of them all and look forward to Spring. 

In January the class will begin their new history topic, The Romans. I will be setting a new home topic task the first week back which will require one piece of cardboard to create a Roman shield. 

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for the kind words and beautiful gifts that we all received. We were all overwhelmed by your generosity. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and we look forward to 2021 in Redwood.


Best Wishes

Mrs E, Mrs Papworth, Mrs Holden and Mrs Golding 

Homework Wednesday 9th December
Homework Wednesday 2nd December
Plastic Under the Sea Tree

On Thursday (3.12.2020) the class will be making Christmas ornaments for our class tree. This year the theme is Plastic Under the Sea. For this activity I have asked the class to collect items of plastic/recycling which they could use to make their ornaments. This could include (but is not limited to) corks, egg boxes, orange nets, milk caps and other bottle caps, small plastic bottles, paper plates and bubble wrap. Please could the children bring in their recycling on Thursday. 


Best Wishes

Mrs Egerton 

Homework 25th November
Homework Wednesday 18th November
Homework Wednesday 11th November
This week Redwood class have been investigating the pulling force of magnets. They made games which used this force through different materials. In English, they have designed what they believe is through the magician's box in 'Leon and the Place Between' and lastly they took on the challenge of hula hooping for 8 minutes for Children in Need. 
Homework Wednesday 4th November
A look inside our classroom this half term

Well Done Redwood! What a brilliant start to year 3. Looking around the classroom today you should be so proud of the work you have accomplished. 


The class have worked so hard, shown resilience and bounced back in the face of a pandemic. They confidently know the eras of the Stone Age to Iron Age, can distinguish which rocks belong in which category based on its features and have shown kindness and generosity in line with our values. They have also written a new chapter for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, learnt about the Creation and Fall Story in RE and taken part in dance lessons. 


I am looking forward to the next half term and what the children will achieve. Please take a moment to look through the below slideshow and video of the Redwood Classroom this half term. 


Have a lovely half term Redwood!

Mrs Egerton


Still image for this video
Stone Age to Iron Age Settlements

A huge well done to Redwood for their fantastic Stone Age to Iron Age settlements. They are excellent!!


They have had many compliments from around the school on their efforts. You can see the hard work and attention to detail that has gone into them all. Great work Rockers!

Compost Bins

In science this week we began to look at what soil is made of and how to make compost. We made our own compost bins which are hoping will turn our left over bananas and oranges to soil.

Homework Wednesday 14th October
After researching Stonehenge we made a sculpture of it out of Bourbon biscuits. It was trickier than we thought it would be but we persevered and ended up with some delicious looking Stonehenges. We were also able show self-discipline (one of our My Personal Best values) by not eating any of the biscuits or chocolate icing laugh
Below is a link to the handwriting scheme we are using in year three and an example from the Redwood class. We currently practice our handwriting daily and the class is working hard on their letter formation. We are using the continuous cursive (beginner) letter version two. 
Homework - Wednesday 7th October

Redwood's Week - 2nd October 2020

Homework - Wednesday 30th September
Homework - Wednesday 23rd September
Please see below for this week's homework
Homework - Wednesday 16th September

Please see below for this weeks homework.


Next week we will begin our second English unit, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It would be a great start to the unit if the children became familiar with the story if they are not already. There are some wonderful resources on the Roald Dahl website. In maths we will begin to look at addition and subtraction of 1 digit numbers from 2 and 3 digit numbers. 


Best Wishes

Mrs Egerton



Redwood Rock Detectives
Redwood have had a great first full week back. The My Little Ponies had a party, leaving themselves covered in paint. Redwood were fantastic Party Crime Detectives clearing up the scene using imperative verbs. In science they became Rock Detectives. They made their own Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous rock out of Starbursts...a very sticky experiment. 

Dear All,


Welcome to Redwood and Key Stage Two. Below is a copy of the Year 3 transition meeting, the Curriculum we will be following throughout this year and a more focused look at what we will be studying throughout the Autumn Term. Should you have any queries please contact me via the class email address.


I look forward to meeting you all

Mrs Egerton

Homework - Wednesday 9th September
Transition Days

Redwood have got off to a creative start this year. They have been busy creating dream catchers, setting goals for the year and creating a class agreement using our school values and rules. 


The class will have brought home their homework books today. As stated on the class powerpoint I will set the first set of homework on Wednesday 9th September. This will be available on this page. In the mean time there will be Purple Mash comprehension work which they can work on till Tuesday. 


It has been a pleasure getting to know the class over the past two days and I look forward to the year ahead

Mrs E 
