The vision at St Michael’s results in a deeply aspirational school. Pupils are loved, nurtured and supported to ‘shine’ as individuals. SIAMS July 2024

St Michael's Woolmer GreenVA C of E School

'Shine as Lights in the World'

Opening Times & Wrap Around Care

The gate to the playground opens at 8:35 with the classroom doors are open at 8:40. The official start of the school day is 8:45.  Any late arrivals have to enter via the main building and report to the Office, where they will sign in. The official end of the school day is 3:15 for all classes. This equates to 6.5 hours each day, and 32.5 hours in total for the week.

Wrap around care:

Before school - There is a morning Breakfast Club run by the school in the main hall from 7:30 - 8:40 am each day. We offer food and drinks and there are lots of games to play. Please book this via Arbor, under 'Clubs'. The price for Breakfast Club is £6 per session.


After School Adventurers - Our After School Club runs from 3:15pm - 5:45pm Monday to Thursday  in the Arboretum (nurture/music space) and is led by school staff. Please complete the form below and return it to the school office detailing emergency contact details. The price for the first hour is £6 and for the whole two sessions it is £10.50 


Sessions need to be booked through Arbor, under 'Clubs' and are invoiced directly on Arbor.

Entering the building during school hours:

If, for any reason, you need to come into school during school hours, you must report to the office once you have been buzzed in through the main door. All adults and children should be signed in and out, so we can ensure that we know who is on site at all times and can uphold safeguarding requirements.
