The vision at St Michael’s results in a deeply aspirational school. Pupils are loved, nurtured and supported to ‘shine’ as individuals. SIAMS July 2024

St Michael's Woolmer GreenVA C of E School

'Shine as Lights in the World'

Late/Absence Procedures

Late arrivals:

Classroom doors are open at 8:50 am for the children to take part in focused activities before the doors close at 9am and registers are called. Any late arrivals have to enter via the main building and report to the Office, where they will be signed in and their lunch choice taken.


In the  unfortunate event that your child becomes unwell and is unable to attend school, please inform the office before 8:50am each day that they are absent, either by:



Please note that your child must not attend school for 48 hours after their last incidence of vomiting or diarrhoea. 


For more helpful information please click on the link below:


As a parent or carer, you should fill in this form (attached below) if you want to take your child out of school during term time, and after completing the form, you should return it to the school office for authorisation.


We have been advised by Hertfordshire County that family holidays in term time will no longer be counted as authorised absence, except under very exceptional circumstances. Governors have decided to support the County Policy as it protects teaching time and reinforces the legal requirement for every child to receive full time education.


Holidays taken in term time will be recorded as non-authorised absences.  We also need to make families aware that a child’s attendance record stays with them all the way through to the end of their secondary education.
