The vision at St Michael’s results in a deeply aspirational school. Pupils are loved, nurtured and supported to ‘shine’ as individuals. SIAMS July 2024

St Michael's Woolmer GreenVA C of E School

'Shine as Lights in the World'

Beech (year 5)

Young Chef Final - Well done Victoria, Lois and Aditi who won overall

Well done to all of those children who participated in the Young Chef Award.. the food was fabulous!

The police came to visit as part of our Mini Police programme

We performed the poem 'The Listeners' in the forest school

Computing - Using a 3D design program to design a house, vehicle or a customised design of our own. We printed them out and made them into 3D models.

Young Chef - some of the children have been practising at home

Young Chef -- fruit smoothies and carrot and coriander soup

K'NEX Challenge - Well done to our winners, Eli and Jamie.

Today we started to practice for the Young Chef award by learning knife skills

Summer Term Overview

Spelling Lists Summer Term

We had a fabulous evening at the Dance Festival - well done children!

We had an interesting morning taking part in psychological experiments with Mr Winston. Thank you!

Indoor Athletics Team

Our finished bags showing all our sewing skills.

In Geography we used globes to discover where the main mountain ranges of the world are found

Matt Brown the author of Kevin the Vampire came to visit and proved extremely popular!

Science Challenge - To choose materials to make a buoyant boat which can hold at least 180 Lego bricks.

TAG rugby festival - well done a fun morning was had by all. A special mention to Leo and Lois the star players

Well done Beech Class - EVERYONE completed the run! A special mention to Albie (first place), Leo, Drew and Lois

It was lovely to meet some of you today, for those who couldn't make it here is the power point that we used

Welcome to Beech Class, we hope that you have had a lovely summer break and that you are excited about the new school year.

We are looking forward to seeing parents at our transition meeting on Wednesday when we will be giving you an overview of what to expect in year 5.

We will be starting the term with the text 'Goth Girl' in English, in History we will be studying the Tudors and Science will be materials and their properties.

Attached are spellings, our curriculum overview and some maths homework books that will support the children's learning.

If you have any queries or concerns please email: If it is urgent please contact the admin email address.

We are looking forward to a busy and rewarding term.

Mrs Woods and Mrs Cox
