The vision at St Michael’s results in a deeply aspirational school. Pupils are loved, nurtured and supported to ‘shine’ as individuals. SIAMS July 2024

St Michael's Woolmer GreenVA C of E School

'Shine as Lights in the World'

Willow (year 1)

Welcome to Willow Class 


This page will be used to share what the class have been learning about and also any additional phonics and maths support that you may wish to do at home. 


Should you need to contact us, please use the following address:


We look forward to getting to know you all.


Miss Boughton and Ms Greenwood



Our first week in Willow Class

During our Art lesson this week the children were using card to create 3D sculptures. 08.01.2024

In our PE lessons we have been learning about Boccia. We have practised using an overarm and underarm throw. 15.01.2024

The boys needed a rest after the daily mile!



Our value this month is perseverance.

In our maths lesson today the children were practically comparing numbers to 20. Children were able to use crocodile greater than and less than symbols to compare numbers.

The children enjoyed their first session back at forest school this week!



This week we linked our science learning to our forest school learning. In science the children are currently learning about seasonal changes. At forest school the children observed both signs of Winter and signs of Spring to decide if they thought we are in Winter or Spring. Although children found some signs of spring, all children agreed that we must still be in Winter



This week we had Internet Safety Day. The children took part in an assembly informing them of all of the different ways they should keep safe when online. In year 1 we discussed this further before playing a game of safer internet snakes and ladders. To move up a ladder the children had to read a way they could keep safe online. When moving down a snake the children discussed unsafe choices online. 

Bubbles Workshop - this week the children experienced a bubble workshop. All the children had a lot of fun learning about the power of air and how to create giant bubbles.

In RE we have been learning about the Easter story. This week we were thinking about Good Friday and the ways Christians remember Good Friday. The children discovered that many Christians eat hot cross buns so we had a go at baking our own!

We went to Knebworth House for our school trip. We got to learn about lots of Kings and Queens and how they would have lived their lives.

Well done Willow class for a super assembly!
