The vision at St Michael’s results in a deeply aspirational school. Pupils are loved, nurtured and supported to ‘shine’ as individuals. SIAMS July 2024

St Michael's Woolmer GreenVA C of E School

'Shine as Lights in the World'

Oak (year 6)

Dear Oak class, and parents, we’d like to say what a pleasure it has been to teach the children this year and how proud we are of them all. Many thanks for your very generous gifts! We hope you all have a lovely, restful, and possibly adventurous, Summer break and wish you every success in the next, exciting stage in your life journey.

with love and best wishes,

Ms Law and Mrs Tjong.😀


Second marble treat, and farewell cakes on the final day...

Oak Marble Treat - Water fight...

Homework: 01/07/2021

Maths: Pages 64-65 - Angle rules revision;

SPaG: Pages 74-75 - Word endings, the 'shus' sound; Pages 75-77. the 'shul' sound.

D&T: Now you have designed your Maya-style temple, start to gather together materials to build your model. Bring them to school in a named carrier bag.

Spellings 21, Summer 2, week 4: To spell year 5 and 6 words.


Art day with New Zealand artist, Reina Cottier.

Homework 24/06/21

Maths: P70 -71 - Pie Charts;

SPaG: P68 - 69 and 70 - 71 - Prefixes;

Spellings 20 - Summer 2, Week 3;

D&T: Start thinking about, and collecting, materials that you can use to make your Maya Temple model. Put them in a named carrier bag, ready to bring in the following week. You will be producing a design for this on Wednesday.

Homework: 17/06/21

Maths: P60-61 - Circles

SPaG: P64-65 - Paragraphs

Spellings 19: Summer 2, Week 2

Spiderwick creature tapestries.

Welcome Back!laugh

Homework: 10/06/2021

Maths: P.30-31 - Relative sizes questions;

SPaG: P.30-31 - Writing for your audience;

Spellings 18, Summer 2, week 1.

Homework: 27/05/21

Computing: Complete the Communication Questionnaire by asking family and friends the questions on the sheet;

Geography: Produce a front cover for the Geography topic on North and South America. Please put the title and your name and class on it, as well as some illustrations. Try to make it bold and colourful;

Spellings: 17, Summer 1, Week 7.

Have a lovely half term break!laugh


Homework: 20/05/21

SPaG: Page 20 - Present and past progressive.

Maths: Page 68 - Reflection (revision).

History: Produce a colourful poster presenting an argument for the importance of either cacao, or maize to the Ancient Maya Civilisation.

Spelling: Summer 1, week 6 - To spell year 5 and 6 words.

Debating the importance of Maize and Cacao to the Ancient Maya.

D&T - Creating tapestries.

Homework: 12/05/21

SPaG: P50-51 - Single dashes and hyphens;

Maths: P72-73 - Line graphs;

Maths Vocabulary: Design a poster to explain the meaning of the vocabulary: Bar chart, line graph, pie chart, data, vertical axis, horizontal axis. You could draw small diagrams to illustrate your definitions;

Spellings: Summer 1, Week 5, spellings 15 (it says spellings 5 on the sheet).

Homework 06/05/2021

SPaG: Pages 48-49 - Brackets and dashes for extra information;

Maths: Pages 74-75 - The Mean;

History: Create a poster about your favourite God. Make it colourful and eye-catching;

Spellings: Summer 1 - Week 4 - Homophones and other words that are commonly confused.

Homework: 29/04/21

Maths: Create a poster to describe the meanings of mathematical vocabulary for our current Maths topic, Ratio and Proportion. Find definitions for the following words: percent, percentage, fraction, ratio, proportion, scale, proportionality.

SPaG: Pages 62-63  - Colons and semi-colons.

Spellings: Summer 1, week 3 - homophones and other words that are often confused.

Homework: 22/04/21

Maths: unequal sharing - Pages 38-39

Maths: complete the Written Arithmetic paper, Test 1a

SPaG: Semi-colons - Pages 60-61

Spellings: 12, Summer 1, Week 2

Science: Find out about Earth Day, 22/04/21, and design a colourful poster to advertise it. Your poster should include what it is about, why it is important and what kinds of things have been done on Earth Day in the past.

Welcome back, Oak class!laugh


Maths: Written arithmetic paper 10.

SPaG: Pages 32-35 - Standard and Non-Standard English.

Spellings: Summer 1, week 1, spellings 11 - to spell words containing the letter string 'ough'.

History: Create an A4-sized front cover for our new topic, 'The Ancient Maya Civilisation'. It needs to include the title of the topic, your name and 'Year 6 Oak'. You can draw images related to the Maya civilisation, and make it colourful. It will be stuck onto the front of your topic book. Please bring it in on Tuesday for them lesson.

Oak still life studio.



Maths: P66-67 Coordinates;

SPaG: P58-59 Colons;

Spellings 9, Spring 2, Week 4.

New additions to the Lewis family!

Homework: Thursday 11/03/21

Maths: Pages 56-57, Making 3D shapes;

English: Pages 72-73, Hyphenating prefixes;

Spellings 8, Spring 2, Week 3;

RE: Match the artwork to the 5 core Christian concepts.

See below for all World Book Day and Science Week, Create an Insect, work.

Ms Lawlaugh

World Book Day: Jim, A Cautionary Tale - Writing.

World Book Day: Jim, A Cautionary Tale - Performances.

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

World Book Day: Jim, A Cautionary Tale - Artwork.

Friday 05/03/21

Hello Oak Class! It was great to see you all this morning and have a lovely chat. I'm glad you're all looking forward to returning to school on Monday, and hopefully we managed to put your minds at rest those who had some worries. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing you all, as well as teaching you In Real Life! Thank you those who have already sent in photos of your dressed up teddies from our very creative teddy dressing up session this morning. I've also had one very cute cat photo. So please remember to send in more and I'll add them below.

See you all on Monday!

Ms Lawlaugh

Home Learning 01/03/21

Well done on another great week, Oak class. You have published some superb pieces of writing based on A Midsummer night's Dream, so very well done!

Below is the weekly plan for the coming week, and also a lovely book and workbook about returning to school, so please read and work through these before your return.

For Science week, which runs between Friday 5th and Sunday 14th March, I have arranged a Photography competition for all you budding photographers, called 'Science in Nature' (please see the poster below for details). Please submit your entries to me via the Oak class email. There will also be a 'Build an Insect' activity which we will complete in the classroom.

Have a lovely weekend!laugh

If you need any support please contact Ms Law on the following email:

Lovely to see you all this morning and well done for all your hard work and perseverance this half term. I hope you and your families enjoy a well-earned rest during the break and I'll see you again soon.

Ms Lawlaugh

Online breakfast with children and pets, including chickens!

Home learning 08/02/21

Hello again, Oak Class!laugh It has been great to see all of you again in our daily live lessons. I have been impressed with your hard work and commitment and regular submissions to Google Classroom and the class email. It's so nice to see that your standard of work and presentation has been so high and I was particularly impressed this week by some of your writing in English. You should all be very proud of yourselves.  Below I've posted some of this week's Monet artwork, maths artwork and Census posters, as well as some of the impressive writing you've submitted.

Keep up the high standard, and as a special Year 6 treat we'll meet online for breakfast from 8:40 next Thursday (11/02/21) morning, before our live session on that day.

Please find the weekly plan below, and you will find this and all planning and resources on Google classroom.

Please enjoy a well-earned break this weekend and I'll see you at 9:00 on Monday morning!

Ms Lawlaugh

Monet and Maths artwork, Census posters and writing.

Please sign up for the Cosmic Kids Yoga Quest, download the map and follow the activities as part of your PE and keeping active, fit and healthy activities: laugh

Home Learning 01/02/2021

Greetings Oak Class.laugh What a great week of online learning and live lessons! I was so impressed with 100% attendance to live sessions and the super work that was submitted to Google Classroom. Please make sure you all submit work for each English and Maths lesson though. Make sure you have a compass for Maths on Thursday. This week there will also be another Purple Mash reading journal to complete, as well as a serial mash text and quiz.

Please keep the submissions coming in for the Three Peaks Challenge - we've had quite a few and the competition is tough! Also send in your artwork, as well as any other work you'd like me to see.

The weekly timetable can be found below, and all plans and resources can be found on Google Classroom. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday at 9:00!laugh

Ms Law

Home learning 25/01/21

Good evening Oak class! How lovely it was to see you all on Thursday morning, and I'm sure you're all looking forward to this week's live learning sessions on Google Classroom. Just a reminder, Monday's lesson will be our first live English session starting 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', so make sure you have a copy of the text printed and ready to use. For the independent home learning maths session you'll need a protractor. As I mentioned on Thursday, it might be a good idea to print out your resources for the week when they appear on your Google Classroom at 5 O'Clock today (Sunday). Hopefully all will run smoothly, but if it doesn't, please don't worry, it's a steep learning curve for us all!wink

Well done for your hard work and commitment again this week, and for the pictures you sent of your superb artwork! Well done to those who have sent evidence/details of their Three Peaks Challenge step count - I'll also be submitting mine to Miss Prentice this week! It's not too late to send yours in so please do so. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the morning at 9 O'Clock!

Ms Law

Oak class, please don't forget the Three Peaks steps challenge - we've already had some submissions of evidence!
Stunning artwork from Oak Class

Home learning 18/01/2021

Please start working through your revision guides when you have time, if you haven't already.

Ms Law

Good morning. Just a quick note on 'The Three Peaks Challenge'. This is a virtual challenge that you can take part in by simply recording your steps. Miss Prentice will be producing certificates for those who manage to conquer any, or all, of the peaks. Please look at the Powerpoint below! You have until Friday 12th February (I'm hoping to get one of Miss Prentice's certificates myself!).

Ms Law laugh

Home Learning 11/01/2021

Very well done to you all for working hard to complete last week's activities.

I hope you all had a good weekend!laugh 

Below is a weekly lesson plan and documents for week two of this half term. The plan is divided up into daily activities which are presented in columns. There are a few additional activities which can be done anytime during the week. When participating in the Oak Academy online lessons, make sure you have a pencil/pen and paper so that you can complete the activities when asked to pause the lesson. It is important that you complete these activities as part of your learning.

I've also attached copies of the Year 3/4 and 5/6 statutory spellings for you to practise and try using in written sentences.


Below is some of the lovely work sent in by some of you. Keep up the good work!

A very Happy New Year to you all!laugh

Home learning 06/01/2021-08/01/2021:

Merry Christmas everyone!laugh


English - Carry out some research about William Shakespeare and produce a poster or information leaflet.

Art: Complete the information sheet about the Impressionist Claude Monet.

Maths: Pages 40-41 - Sequences.


Merry Christmas to our Reception buddies!


Maths: Page 44 and 45 - Two missing numbers;

SPaG: Pages 12 - Clauses, Page 13 - Phrases, Page 14 - Sentences, Page 15 - Conjunctions;

Handwriting sheet.

Homework: 03/12/2020

Maths: Page 25 - Multiplying with decimals and page 26 - Dividing decimals;

SPaG: Page 27, 28 and 29 - Formal and informal writing;

Serial Mash: Chapter 7 and quiz chapter 7;

Handwriting sheet.

Homework: 26/11/2020

Maths: Pages 22-23 - Year 5 objectives;

SPaG: Pages 22-23 - Subject and Object and Pages 24-26 - Passive and active voice;

Serial Mash: Chapter 6 and Quiz chapter 6;

Handwriting sheet.

Oak class pledged to say No to bullying.

Homework: 19/11/2020

Maths: Page 24 - Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000; Pages 28-29 - Fractions, decimals and percentages.

SPaG: Pages 54-55 - Apostrophe practice.

Serial Mash: Chapter 5, quiz chapter 5.

Handwriting: Complete the handwriting sheets.

Skipping for Children in Need...

Homework: 12/11/2020

Maths: Page 23 - Dividing fractions;

SPaG: Page 11 - Pronouns, Page 12: Clauses;

Serial Mash: Chapter 4, quiz Chapter 4;

Handwriting sheets.

Homework 05/11/2020

Welcome back!laugh

Maths: Page. 22 - Multiplying fractions;

SPaG: Page 52 - Apostrophes for missing letters (contractions), Page 53 - Apostrophes for possession;

Serial Mash: Chapter 3 and quiz;

Handwriting: complete the handwriting pages.

Homework 22/10/2020

Maths: Page 19 - Ordering fraction;

SPaG: Pages 46-47 - Comma practice;

Serial Mash: Chapter 2 and Quiz;

Science: Create a front cover for the 'Electricity - Circuits and Switches' unit;

Handwriting: Complete the handwriting pages.

Have a lovely half term!laugh

Homework: Thursday 15/10/2020

Maths: Page 14 - BIDMAS;

SPaG: Pages 44-45 - Commas for extra information;

Serial Mash: Complete the Serial Mash reading comprehension activities;

Handwriting: Complete the handwriting practise sheets and put in your class folder.

Homework: Thursday 08/10/2020

Maths: Page 11 - Written division and Page 17 - Solving calculation problems.

SPaG: Page 42 - Commas after subordinate clauses and Page 43 - Commas after introductions.

Handwriting: Complete the practise sheets sent home today.

Reading: Purple Mash: Serial Mash - Chapter 1: Nightfall on the Somme and Chapter 1: Online multiple choice.

Complete the RE homework sent home today.

Good worker for beautiful handwriting:

Homework Thursday 01/10/2020

Maths: Page 15 - Multiples, Primes and Factors; Page 16 - Solving Calculation Problems.

Spag: Page 40 - Commas in Lists; Page 41 - Commas to Avoid Ambiguity.

RE - Design a stained glass window to show how Christianity and Science are complimentary.

Great discussion about our big question in RE: Creation and science, conflicting or complimentary?

Save the Bees activities whilst listening to, 'The Flight of the Bumblebee'.

Homework 24/09/20

Maths: Page 12 - Mental calculations, Page 13 - Estimating and checking;

SPaG: Pages 8, 9, 10 - Synonyms and Antonyms.

Investigating light


Spag: Page 6: Verbs. Page 7: Adverbs

Maths: Page 8: Negative numbers, Page 9: Number problems, Page 10: Written multiplication


Spag: Pages 4 and 5

Maths: Pages 6 and 7

Handwriting sheet

Welcome to Year 6!laugh


  • Complete the book review;
  • Do a front cover for the 'Light' topic in science;
  • complete the research on Gustav Klimt;
  • Complete the WWII spag sheet;
  • Build a spitfire for the display board (if you chose to do this);
  • Please hand in by Tuesday.
  • Remind your parents/carers to look at the Welcome to Year 6 powerpoint and show them the handouts.

