St Michael's Woolmer GreenVA C of E School
'Shine as Lights in the World'
We are delighted to be welcoming you and your child to Sycamore Class in September. We can't wait to meet everyone.
Please check this page regularly, as it will be updated over the coming months.
Here are some key dates for your diary in the coming weeks:
Tuesday 4th June, 6.00pm - New Parents' Information Evening
This will take place in the school hall and will allow you to meet the Class Teacher - Mrs Peters, and other key members of staff.
Transition Day Thursday 11th July - Parent and Child visit AM or PM
Please call or email with your preferred time to visit Sycamore Class with your child. / 01438 813267
Wednesday 4th September }
Thursday 5th September } 1:1 Meetings with Mrs Peters and Miss Wilson
These will take place in Sycamore Class at the start of the Autumn Term. You will be able to sign up for a one-to-one meeting with Mrs Peters during the New Parents' Information Evening.
Friday 6th September - Stay and Play sessions
Further details to follow. The children will be invited to attend a morning or afternoon session to stay and play on one of these days in smaller groups to help settle them in.
Monday 9th September - Whole Class - Morning and Lunch
All the children will attend school for the morning and stay for lunch, Children to be collected at 12.30pm.
Tuesday 10th September - Whole Class - Morning and Lunch with Year 6 Buddies
All Children to attend school for lunch with their new buddies and be collected at 1pm
Wednesday 11th September - Whole Class all day
Sycamore Class Information
Reception teachers open the door at 8.40am. Children enter via the reception playground. Parents are welcome to enter the classroom with their child in morning until they feel settled in class. Once settled parents can say goodbye at the gate.
Children will come into class, hang up their belongings, self register and then access early morning activities.
We will then have a carpet session where we complete the register and begin a phonics session. Please follow the link to our Phonics Page below.
After phonics, Sycamore class will access Child Initiated Learning, during this time the teachers will play partner with the children in our engaging environments inside and outside. This allows spontaneous scaffolding of learning and in the moment next steps. They will also complete a phonics activity linked to the phonics sessions. Before lunch there is a small carpet session related to a literacy text of the week or topic, providing opportunities to discuss stories, ask and answer questions and listen.
Snack Time
Children have snack time around mid-morning. They will have the opportunity to try different fruits and vegetables throughout the year. Children can also bring in their own healthy snack (no nuts). In Sycamore Class we like to have a snack time where all the children sit in a circle. We feel this provides opportunities for social time, stories, discussions about healthy living and spontaneous learning where we answer questions and explore interests which may have arisen during the morning.
Reading books, which follow our phonics programme are sent home weekly. Children will read with a member of the team once a week, as well as opportunities to read in small groups. We encourage children to read at home daily, sharing their book. Children will have their book for a week at home, this allows for fluency and recognition of familiar words within the story.
Children have lunch at 11.45am until 12.45pm. Parents are able to choose their child's lunch online. We take the children down to the hall for lunch, supporting them until they are confident and know the routine. They will play in their own playground until they are ready to join the larger playground.
After lunch there is a maths carpet session. We follow a Mastery approach in number, this allows the children to build a deeper understanding of number. Children will have access to a maths activity linked to the learning of the week and then continue Child Initiated Learning. The afternoons will also consist of a Music Lesson and an RE lesson within the week.
PE Lessons
Sycamore class will have 2 PE Lessons each week. Parents are informed of the PE days each term and children are able to come to school in their PE kits ready. As well as PE, children have access to physical activities daily such as riding bikes and scooters and playing with different physical equipment.
Please have a look at the current Reception Class on our website and see what they have been up to this year.
Useful Information
Here are some links to other pages in our website which contain useful information for your start at St. Michael's Woolmer Green School: